Chiropractor Posts

Manual Therapies for Cancer Radiation Patients?

By Dr. David Basco | November 24, 2015

Radiation therapy for neck and head cancers can often result in neck pain and loss of motion. A small study involving five participants suggests that the use of manual therapies, treatments commonly performed by doctors of chiropractic, can help reduce pain and improve mobility in this class of patients without adverse outcomes.Clinical Otolaryngology, September 2015

Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbug’ an Emerging Threat.

By Dr. David Basco | November 17, 2015

Health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warn antibiotic-resistant bacteria are on the rise in some major American cities. CRE, or Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, are a class of common bacteria that have become resistant to some of the most widely used antibiotics. According to the CDC, experts have recorded higher-than-expected levels of…

Early Chiropractic Care Prevents Chronic Pain

By Dr. David Basco | November 5, 2015

Research from 2000 and 2003 found that auto injury patients who got early treatment focused on mobilizing the injured area recovered faster and had fewer residual symptoms from the crash. Chiropractic does this: a chiropractic adjustment gets the joints in your spine moving the way they’re supposed to, helping to prevent chronic pain.

Effects Of Sciatica On Your Muscles

By Dr. David Basco | November 4, 2015

Patients who suffer from sciatica are at risk for developing muscle atrophy. A recent British study found that patients with sciatica had decreased muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy. Muscle atrophy occurs in people that have a restricted range of motion due to an injury or medical condition. Developing atrophy can further reduce muscle…

Find 30-Minutes to Workout.

By Dr. David Basco | November 3, 2015

Finding the time and motivation to exercise 30 minutes a day can be difficult. However, if you can devise ways to make your routine interesting and enjoyable, you may wind up looking forward to exercising. The Academy of Nutrition of Dietetics recommends: planning three 10-minute mini-workouts per day, exercising as a family, using household chores…

Migraine Sufferers Have Altered Muscle Performance.

By Dr. David Basco | November 2, 2015

A new study has found that individuals with chronic migraines exhibit altered neck muscle performance, take longer reach to maximum strength with some neck movements, and have higher co-activation of neck flexor muscles when bending forward at the neck. These findings add to the growing body of research that dysfunction in the neck may play…

Chiropractic for Auto Accidents

By Dr. David Basco | October 29, 2015

Millions of people are injured in car crashes each year in the US, and many of these “minor” collisions result in long-term symptoms and disability. In fact, research shows that a significant number of people have pain from a crash even 10-15 years later.  Chiropractic is one of the best ways to treat and heal…

Reducing Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Improves HDL in Children.

By Dr. David Basco | October 28, 2015

Researchers have found that reducing sugar-sweetened beverage intake among schoolchildren by a minimum of one serving per week can improve their HDL (good) cholesterol. They also note that high consumption of these beverages was linked to a lower intake of fruits and vegetables among the same age group. Senior author Jennifer Sacheck comments, “Importantly, not…

Resistance Training Can Help Fibromyalgia Patients.

By Dr. David Basco | October 27, 2015

Even though it seems counterintuitive to place physical stress on the muscles of patients with muscle pain, resistance training appears to have a positive effect on reducing the severity of symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia. Arthritis Research and Therapy, September 2015

Back Pain and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

By Dr. David Basco | October 26, 2015

Among a sample of 365 nurses, researchers found 59.7% had experienced back pain during the previous year. Those who had at least one episode of back pain during the preceding twelve months were significantly more likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, a disease characterized by fatigue that is not improved by bed rest. The research…

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