Chiropractor Posts

Chiropractic, perfect for those involved in sports and athletics.

By Dr. David Basco | October 23, 2015

Chiropractic care is the perfect way to keep your body functioning correctly, and it’s also perfect for those involved in sports and athletics. Thousands of professional athletes take advantage of the competitive edge they gain from regular chiropractic care. For example 27 of 30 Major League Baseball teams, the NFL, and almost every NBA team…

Exercise and LBP Management

By Dr. David Basco | October 22, 2015

The most effective self-help approach to LBP management is exercise. Studies show those who exercise regularly hurt less, see doctors less, have a higher quality of life, and just feel better! This dovetails with diet in keeping your weight in check as well. Think of hamstring stretches and core strengthening as important LBP managers –…

I received this email, last month, from one of my first Spinal Decompression patients. It is nice she is still doing well.

By Dr. David Basco | October 21, 2015

Hello Dr. Basco was just thinking of you and how you gave my wife new hope and a better quality of life thru the use of  your knowledge, chiropractic, skills and DRX9000  to help straighten out her back pain issue. I remember Exxxxx , back bent over walking with a cane in extreme pain (…

Diet: Eat More Nutrient-Rich Foods.

By Dr. David Basco | October 20, 2015

Taste is an important part of what makes food appealing, but opting for nutrient-rich foods is essential to give your body the fuel it needs to perform its best. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests these nutrient-rich food choices: whole grains, a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein such as fish, skinless…

Chiropractic: Chiropractic Rated High for Treatment of Dizziness and Balance Issues.

By Dr. David Basco | October 20, 2015

Past research shows that about 30% of older adults experience dizziness and balance problems. A new study examining the types of treatment sought by patients with balance and dizziness complaints and the success of those treatments revealed that only 4.7% utilized chiropractic care. However, those patients who did see a chiropractor reported the highest treatment…

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We're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.